Seven Ways to Bring More Spirituality to Your Family

Seven Ways to Bring More Spirituality to Your Family

1. Eliminate the words GOT TO, HAVE TO, SHOULD and OUGHT TO from your vocabulary (time taken so far Zero)

2. Be Mindful How you Treat Inanimate Objects

The way you close doors, eat food, put down a book, wash a dish, shake a hand, get dressed, be on time, speak, think and act in mundane matters sets the tone of your life. Mindful is not slow like a snail, mindful is absolutely 100% doing one thing at a time. Like closing a car door holding onto the handle until it's shut, or placing a dinner plate on a table firmly but carefully. Get used to being deliberate, present and in a good space with the small things and the rest just flows. (time taken so far zero)

Seven Ways to Bring More Spirituality to Your Family

3. Learn to Be Calm - Compassion for Contraction

The simple way to do this is with compassion. People are basically learning machines, they are stupid and unconscious until they learn not to be. Expecting people to act with consciousness is nice but when they don't - simply put it down to "unconsciousness" and get used to it. We are all unconscious relative to the next piece of wisdom we discover, even when we think we're conscious - thinking that is a great sign of being unconscious. Explain all human behaviour in this way and the bad in people just becomes the flip side of their good and simply unconsciousness. (time taken? Add back 5 hours a week to your life in time saved worrying and reacting to stuff that was previously wasted) You'll find this is a real heart opener, you can keep your heart open in hell, just be seeing the lack of consciousness in others and you. Simply have compassion for what they don't know and forbid yourself from teaching them..... and remember, the more violent, desperate, depressed or mean a person is, the harder it is to have compassion, but the more unconscious they are...

4. Become Superman or Superwoman - X-Ray Vision

Superman can see through walls, I can see through people. Simply you have to learn the difference between EGO and Truth. I use nature's universal laws because nobody can stuff them up and they work everywhere in the universe (I don't want local laws that keep me trapped to a limited life) - So, simply in a 30 second lesson, The EGO is religious beliefs, personal beliefs, fears, guilts, thinking, worry, ideas, hopes, wants, needs and most conversation in groups, relationships, teams and communities. It's the media, marketing, likes on Facebook and tweets on twitter. It's good and bad smell, taste, touch, sight and sound... So, we can't live without EGO but it's a wall to truth, and we need to see through it in order to TURN UP in our own body, and, to meet others, in a LOVING, PRODUCTIVE, CREATIVE SPACE. The easiest way to get past the EGO is don't react, think twice, look before you leap and don't judge a book by its cover.... not so radical... simply take the time to see the two sides of everything (a process religion is built to fight against) and then, in 90% of situations you're seeing past the EGO.... there's more, see my web about NATURE's LAW. (Time taken so far? 5 hours in credit less this transparency - say add one hour a week - 4 hrs in credit)

5. Be a Good Person

Your EGO really, really, really wants approval. That's what causes it, that's what feeds it, that's what sustains it. Rejection is the EGO's enemy. The more you feel the world might reject you (this has been the bane of my life) the more you seek approval and the more EGO you invest in life. For some, being bad gets attention and attention equates to approval... (I exist). The way to get this spiral back under control is to give yourself, approval... become the person you like, instead of asking your children, partner, sports fans, music audience to give you approval, become the person you like by simply having a good intent and doing the right thing, even if it costs. Time taken on this Zero still 4 hours in credit)

6. Shut up

When I first learned that there were two sides to everything, and I did get X-ray vision (not literally) - I couldn't shut up. Someone would say, "Oh, that is bad" and i would say "Oh, what is the benefit?" I was a total pain in the arse, firstly because I couldn't keep a secret and therefore wasn't a good person and second because it became an intimacy block. Once you start criticising what people believe without them giving you permission, you became an absolute block of granite. I had to learn how to smile and go "oh, that's nice." People aren't ready to hear what we want to tell them, they run from books that disagree with their thinking, from teachers who teach what they don't want to know and from colleagues who contradict their EGO unconsciousness. Remember the EGO (from which we live day to day) seeks approval, not consciousness. So, SHUT UP - learn to accept that although we all have the capacity to love, be inspired, see balance, be conscious of something, most people's EGO is in control of their moment, and therefore, you have not been invited to "play Daddy or Mummy" - That is the difference between a professional who does not have a commercial interest in dishing you up the bull you want to hear (challenge your EGO) and a friend.... colleague, boss, mate, partner to puff it up. (Time taken on this 4 hours a week because it takes time to listen - now we are back to Zero time taken)

7. Get out of your HEAD - - Exercise

For 7 minutes a day, 7 days a week, exercise. Now, I don't mean walk the dog, jog the park, do a training session. I mean, every day, do something that breaks your world record... lift a weight heavier than ever before, run faster over 50 meters than ever before, do one extra chin up more than ever before... every day of your life break a physical record, and i don't care if you've been struck down with quadriplegia, or you're 100 years old or a moaning, groaning "gee I'm just so busy executive running away from yourself" there's always a new challenge we can all reach for. According to popular science you can only reach your new "World record" once a week on any muscle, so that means there are going to be at least 7, if not more, different things you define as your "world records" - you might jog three times a week but Friday is your "Sprint World Record Day" and you might juggle tennis balls every day but Tuesday is the day you increase the speed, height, time or whatever, in order to "Break Your World Record" Every day, break your World Record. Now this requires planning, documenting and discipline. Doesn't matter if you move the day, so, for example you could choose Tuesday instead of Friday this week to run your World Record.... But that's Running a new world record out for that week (week starts Sunday) No rest Saturday or Sunday... If you want to bring spiritual and its beautiful power into your life, this last step is the real miracle magnet.... Eventually, you may even need a coach but the key here is not mastering things so your EGO can tick it off and say "I am the Master of the Universe" no, It's about continual, humbling, inspiring effort that will eventually require efforts that the EGO can't produce..... Ah Ha.

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